Sunday, October 11, 2009

Our Little Acre

Sidney and I have lived in the same house since 1969. We moved in two weeks before our first son was born. At first glance the house was kind of ugly. In fact when we looked at it the first time I wouldn't even go inside, instead we just turned around in the driveway and left. Our real-estate agent urged us to try again, "just look at it before you say no", so we did. Needless to say, I'm glad we did.

Our 3 bedroom home is a modest home by most standards and sits on just a little over 1 acre of ground. We have neighbors but most are like us they just enjoy country living. I cannot count the animals that have been raised on this little acre of ground. We had a dog when we moved in, and have always had one or more at all times. We have had kittens, geese, chickens, a pig for butchering once, a pet skunk named Charlie, 3 horses and more. What can I say? We love animals!

Not only do we love our animals but we also love to grow our own food. One year Sidney planted the garden and when the bounty of veggies came in he gave an assortment to an elderly lady from our church, Sister Patterson. I delivered the vegetables to her and she was so grateful. Before I left she said, "I am going to pray that the Lord blesses you 100 fold."

I thanked her and didn't think too much about it until we couldn't keep up with picking the vegetables that summer. Sidney would actually take a wheelbarrow out to the rows and fill it to overflowing! I canned green beans, tomatoes, froze corn and squash and found it difficult to keep up. We gave vegetables to everyone we knew and yet more vegetables just grew in their place.

Our little acre probably doesn't seem like much to the average person, but to us it is special. God has blessed us to overflowing with family, animals and garden, but the summer Sister Patterson prayed is one year we will never ever forget! She prayed in faith, and God answered her prayers.

Simply living each day to it's fullest,


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Autumn's In The Air

The past few weeks have been so beautiful here in Missouri that I just don't want to see summer end. As much as I would like it to stay around, October has arrived and the autumn changes have begun. Each season brings with it it's own kind of beauty....and with each season I find myself saying, this is my favorite season of all, only to love the next one more! Today I noticed a change of color in the leaves, and the crisp wind caused them to come twirling around only to cover my freshly swept deck!

As the seasons change so does my "to do list". There are so many things to get finished before winter sets in. Today I had to plant new spring flowering bulbs, and separate some of my iris bulbs. If you know me at all, you know that I do LOVE my flowers!

Because of some work we had done this summer we are going to have to plant new grass in our backyard, so Sidney lightly tilled the ground and hopefully we will get the seeds in by next weekend.

There is still painting I need to do on the outside too! We had hoped to get our shed painted this summer but it's still on the "list".

Oh well! I've been through a few of these season changes over my lifetime and lived long enough to know that if it doesn't get done, it just doesn't get done! Life goes on! I have also lived long enough to know what is really important and what is not! Simple living.....enjoying each day with family and friends! That is what is really important!

Simple living......